Dr. Karen Amaniampong, Gynaecologist and Medical Consultant, provides insight into some of the possible causes of your pelvic pain, when associated with endometriosis.
Adhesions in the pelvic area
Studies have reported that in 64% of endometriosis cases, pelvic adhesions were the source of pain. Adhesions are bands of scar tissue that form when lesions become inflamed and bleed. They can create hidden pockets for new lesions to grow, and sometimes can stick organs together, causing physical distortion and pain during movement.
Since endometriosis lesions are composed of tissue similar to the endometrium, it also responds to hormonal changes that happen during your menstrual cycle. This is why your pain may be more intense and severe right before and throughout your period. As the lesions bleed, they form small wounds and local inflammation. Immune cells arrive at the site and release inflammatory molecules in an attempt to remove the damaged tissue and promote healing. This inflammation causes blood vessels to swell in order to allow for more immune cells to enter the site more easily. However, these events all cause swelling and pain. Lesions also release factors called prostaglandins which cause more inflammation.
These all result in pelvic pain if the lesions are located around organs in the pelvis area, including ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, bladder, bowel, and even pelvic nerves.
Neuropathic pain
The pelvis contains a major network of nerves located deep under the muscle. Especially in cases of deep endometriosis where lesions penetrate the tissue, this can cause neuropathic pain, or nerve pain. Prostaglandins are also known aggravators of nerve pain. This pain can occur around the pelvis but also radiate to other parts of the body such as back, hip, or leg, depending on where the nerves are connected.